The Blackberry Bold is advertised this way:
"Be Bold. Accept No Substitutes. Power the passions you pursue with a smartphone that....."
First off, nothing in this world can be advertised with the connection of having "no substitutes" other than a Porsche. It's a mathematical proof that in life, everything can be taken out of its place to fill another with the one exception, with that being, the ultimate automobile none other than the Porsche.

With that said, this Blackberry is one fine looking phone. It is the latest evolution of the "Crackberry." It's capabilities have me thinking of getting one. Emails (personal and work) at a touch of a button... The newly slim figure with keypad.
I will substitute this phone however, with money in my pocket beside my un-smartphone. With cell phone companies charging what they do for service for Blackberrys ($100/mo.) and smartphones, in 1 year, I could afford a whole months payment of a 911 Porsche Carrera ($80K).
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